Saturday, June 12, 2010

Beloit Plein Air

Old Friends
Best of Show

As soon as I saw these two from across the lagoon, I knew what I wanted to paint. The sun was already getting low, so I had to paint fast. They were catching blue gills the whole time that I was painting them and were still fishing after I had packed up to go. There is something I really love about the challenge of painting moving subjects.

Morning Reflection


Unknown said...

Kathie, Congratulations! I love the painting and Ken just asked "how much is it"? I told him I would ask if you sold it. I need lessons from you painting people!!

Kathie Wheeler said...

Thanks, Sara. It was a purchase prize award, so the painting is sold.

One of these times that we get together to paint we'll sketch some people. It's really the same as anything you paint- patterns of light and shadow.