Saturday, January 15, 2011

Farm House at Chester Hills
22" x 28"
Oil on canvas

This house portrait was a commission that I received at the end of the summer. It's a beautifully renovated farm house with an addition built of brick from an old school house down the road. It sits on a ridge with incredible views in every direction. I went out twice to do some studies and to understand what it was that they wanted in their painting. While commissions can be a great source of angst for many artists, I really love being a part of something that really means something to someone else.


Deborah Conlon said...

What fun to see your new additions. I love the light in the cow painting and of course I'm partial to the teacup. The blue highlights on the spoon are perfect.

Kathie Wheeler said...

Thanks, Deb. I took the spoon out of the painting of your teacup, and have been contemplating putting it back in.