Monday, June 28, 2010

Red wing Plein Air

This is just a detail of the Painting I did for the Quick Paint Event in Red Wing. Two hours goes pretty quickly and the photo I took has too much glare. I love these events. It really forces you to focus- and stay focused. My mind can really wander if I know I have all day. I was set up at the Farmer's Market in the park under a tree for shade and a half hour into the painting my scene was completely hidden by new activities in front of me. Had to do a quick wipe off, shift my easel and start a new painting. That's plein air! My morning was topped off by winning the best Quick Paint award


Deborah Conlon said...

Thanks so much for encouraging me to go to Red Wing Kathy. I learned a lot, and think I'm addicted. Deb

Kathie Wheeler said...

Not a bad addiction to have! You did some nice expressive paintings up there. I'm glad you had a great time.

Cathy said...

Congratulations! Your artwork still amazes me.